FRONT GALLERY: “love shack bay b”
By Linda Botham
February 6 – March 6
(Opening Night Friday 6th February 6pm-9pm)
An allegorical installation exploring personal ideas of death, desire, love and hope through the guise of fairy tale/folk lore …Although placed in a tower for protection, the Princess has been ravished, sullied; her Prince has abandoned her and there is no happy ending. Fairy tales are devised by adults for children, in order to indoctrinate the child into conformist society using stories of horror/cruelty to impart lessons of morality and virtue.
BACK GALLERY: “send in the clowns”
By Linda Botham
February 6 – March 6
(Opening Night Friday 6th February 6pm-9pm)
An installation using a circus theme to explore the human condition and the idea of Artist as Trickster … Clowns are buffoons and tricksters who were originally sent into the circus tent to divert the audience from possible tragedy/misadventure, particularly by trapeze artists who often worked without a safety net. “I am sending an audience into the tent where the viewer then becomes the clown along with the artist/trickster. The imagery and ‘dolls’ in both exhibitions are based on my own childhood drawings (age 5 – 6 years), which I am using to explore notions of innocence, ‘self’, social structure and memory.”